Myopia, a global health problem, can affect people of all ages and demographics. It is not only a threat to our visual health, but also a major concern that affects our quality of life. So, how to prevent myopia? This article will provide you with a series of scientific and practical suggestions to help you stay away from myopia.


The causes of myopia

Myopia is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, personal behavior, and dietary factors. Genetic factors, such as a family history of myopia, increase the risk. Environmental factors, such as prolonged close eye use, excessive eye use, and poor reading environment, also contribute to myopia. Personal behaviors, such as poor posture, reduced blinking, and reading in low-light conditions, may impair vision. Additionally, an unbalanced diet and lack of essential nutrients can also affect vision development and increase the risk of myopia.


Tips to prevent myopia

Once we understand the causes of myopia, we can take targeted measures to prevent it. Here are some effective tips to prevent myopia:

1.Appropriate exercise:Regular exercise, especially outdoor exercise, can help relax the eye muscles and relieve visual fatigue. At the same time, outdoor exercise can also help increase the number of blinks and keep the eyes moist.

2.Scientific eye use:Follow the "20-20-20" principle, i.e. take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and shift your gaze to an object 20 feet (about 6 meters) away. In addition, maintain proper eye posture, such as adjusting the height and angle of the screen, to ensure that the line of sight maintains a proper distance and angle from the screen.

3.Reasonable diet:Maintaining a balanced diet with adequate intake of nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium, can help protect vision health. At the same time, avoid excessive intake of foods high in oil and sugar to minimize potential threats to eye health.

4.Regular checkups:Regular eye checkups at a professional facility can help detect and deal with myopia problems in a timely manner. If you notice blurred vision or other vision problems, you should seek medical attention promptly. In the case of pseudomyopia, you can also take the form of wearing prescription eyeglasses to correct it.


In conclusion, to prevent myopia, we need to adjust our living habits, improve the eye environment, and maintain a reasonable diet.  Adhering to these scientific and effective strategies will help us stay away from myopia and enjoy a better life with clear vision.